Disclaimer: Please note that most of these clips contain story SPOILERS and might therefore ruin the intrigue of the movie they are taken from.
All clips properties of their proper copyright owner. No money is made off this site.
If you enjoy these clips, know you can buy all the movies featured here on
Amazon or (at times) on
FAQ/Troubleshooting: I only have the audio track. The audio track is uncompressed, which is why anyone should theorically be able to play it. The video track is compressed using the XviD codec, which does not come with any player. You must install it separately. You can download the codec
here (available for both Windows and Mac).
I'm on a dial-up connection and these take forever to download.You can resume your download with
GetRight (free and ad-free). I might eventually add screen captures, but at the moment I'm focusing on vids.
Can you encode your files in a more common format?No. I use XviD because it creates excellent quality files at a reasonable size (all my vids can easily be watched full screen).
Can you make a clip of [insert movie title]?I don't have the resources for a big archive (webspace cost money, and DVDs cost money), so at the moment I'm keeping it at m/m kisses involving actors that have been in the
Harry Potter movies. If you know of a movie that fits this criteria and that I've missed, let me know via
Video clips: Total Eclipse Featuring David Thewlis (Professor Lupin) as Paul Verlaine Verlaine and Rimbaud's first kiss (9.02 Mb / 1:31)
Verlaine shows Rimbaud the ocean (7.52 Mb / 0:54)
Prick Up Your EarsFeaturing Gary Oldman (Sirius Black) as Joe OrtonJoe and Kenneth's first kiss (19.0 Mb / 3:04)
(please note that the botchered-up editing between the two parts of the scene is done by me, not the movie's editor, to remove a scene where people are sitting around and talking, which is irrelevant on this site) Joe and Kenneth hook up with another guy (16.9 Mb / 2:40)
Dangerous Lady
Featuring Jason Isaacs (Lucius Malfoy) as Michael Ryan
Micheal kisses his lover while killing him (10.4 Mb / 1:45)
Micheal kisses and kill another (much cuter) lover (10.8 Mb / 1:33)
Dark Harbor
Featuring Alan Rickman (Professor Snape) as David Weinberg
David and the young man kiss (10.7 Mb / 1:50)
The Hours and Times
Featuring Ian Hart (Professor Quirrel) as John Lennon
John kisses Brian Epstein, his manager (12.3 Mb / 1:40) (the movie really is in black and white; the file is not corrupted)
Hollow Reed
Featuring Ian Hart (Professor Quirrel) as Tom Dixon
Tom and Martyn have sex (4.67 Mb / 0:47) (Apologies for the Chinese subtitles - I can't turn them off.)